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Mid­wi­fe Han­na Fischer | What to expect from my instructions? 

Gain from more than 40 years of Han­na Fischer’s pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence as a midwife! 

Mid­wi­fe Han­na Fischer

I am con­fi­dent that you will be able to use my ins­truc­tions in a wide varie­ty of ways in the cour­se of your ever­y­day prac­ti­ce. I hope it can also be a source of inspi­ra­ti­on and gui­dance. Enjoy!

I am firm­ly con­vin­ced that a woman’s body is by natu­re crea­ted per­fect­ly to give birth. With the help of deep breathing, body­work and ver­ti­cal birth pos­tu­res, women are able to use their inna­te abili­ties safe­ly. I belie­ve that we can moti­va­te women to give birth independently.

The birth of the­se ins­truc­tions came about for seve­ral, per­so­nal reasons.

First­ly, not ever­yo­ne who is inte­res­ted is able to attend my cour­ses in per­son. Per­haps they live far away or sim­ply can’t spa­re the time to attend classes.

Second­ly, I’ve been try­ing to redu­ce the amount of time I spend tra­vel­ling. Yet the num­ber of invi­ta­ti­ons I recei­ve on a regu­lar basis indi­ca­te that the­re is still gre­at and gro­wing inte­rest in the tech­ni­ques, theo­ries and phi­lo­so­phy I have been demons­t­ra­ting and dis­cus­sing for many years.

By docu­men­ting my work in this con­den­sed form, many will be able to bene­fit from the mate­ri­al cover­ed in ante­na­tal clas­ses, mid­wi­fery work­shops and semi­nars even if they are unable to attend such forums in person.

The­se ins­truc­tions can also be a useful sup­ple­ment for tho­se with whom I have had the plea­su­re to work in the past and who are keen to keep the mate­ri­al ali­ve in their minds. Due to time cons­traints during cour­ses, some Home­dics can be dis­cus­sed only brief­ly. Here they are cover­ed in more detail so view­ers can deepen and inten­si­fy their understanding.

Yours, Han­na Fischer