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Giving Birth the Natu­ral Way A Holi­stic Approach to Natu­ral Child­birth | Quick­ly access my online ins­truc­tions now … | Save $15 buy­ing online version 

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Giving Birth the Natu­ral Way
A Holi­stic Approach to Natu­ral Childbirth

Han­na Fischer’s Ins­truc­tion­al Programme
for Mid­wi­ves, Obste­tri­ci­ans and Par­ents-to-be

Run­ning time: 101 min., stereo

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DVD: ISBN: 978–3‑00–026893‑9 (Eng­lish Version)

Only USD 34,95, inclu­ding world­wi­de ship­ping for free