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My Bio­gra­phy | Mid­wi­fe Han­na Fischers Instructions 

Gain from more than 40 years of Han­na Fischer’s pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence as a Ger­man Midwife! 

My Bio­gra­phy: Han­na Fischer was born in Sindelfingen/Germany in 1938, the youn­gest child of six siblings. She grew up in the coun­try­si­de, rai­sed by her mother, who show­e­red her with love and taught her to beco­me an inde­pen­dent young woman.

On the sub­ject of child­birth, Fischer recalls, her mother would say “Just when you think you’­re about to die, tha­t’s when the child comes.”

At the age of 23, Han­na Fischer com­ple­ted her mid­wi­fery trai­ning in Tübin­gen, sou­thern Ger­ma­ny, and went on to work at a hos­pi­tal for seve­ral years.

After giving birth to two sons hers­elf and a long break, she retur­ned to work at the hos­pi­tal for ano­ther 10 years.

Start­ing in 1979, she work­ed free­lan­ce in the fields of ante­na­tal ins­truc­tion, post­na­tal care and home birth support.

Sti­mu­la­ted by the­se expe­ri­en­ces, she beca­me incre­asing­ly inte­res­ted in birt­hing pos­tu­res and the asso­cia­ted prin­ci­ples of ana­to­my, as well as with the mira­cle of birth itself.

Her work with Lise­lot­te Kutt­ner, who rese­ar­ched the ver­ti­cal birt­hing pos­tu­res of indi­ge­nous civi­li­sa­ti­ons, firm­ly con­vin­ced Han­na Fischer that women have the inna­te abili­ty to give birth natu­ral­ly and that we, as mid­wi­ves, can re-igni­te their sen­se of empower­ment and be won­derful com­pa­n­ions to women as they prepa­re for natu­ral child­birth.