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Giving Birth the Natu­ral Way — My online-ins­truc­tions or DVD for you! 

See how you can gain from more than 40 years of Han­na Fischer’s pro­fes­sio­nal experience! 

Chap­ter I: Introduction

* Han­na Fischer´s pro­fes­sio­nal back­ground (video clip 01)
* Natu­re’s gift to women

Chap­ter II: Cour­se Structure

* The importance of women-only ante­na­tal instruction
* How men can deepen their under­stan­ding and cope bet­ter with childbirth

Chap­ter III: Breathing & Bodywork

* How breathing tech­ni­ques make a women feel secu­re (video clip 02)
* Fel­den­krais exercises
— while lying down
— while upright
* Medi­ta­ti­on exer­ci­s­es con­cen­t­ra­ting on the pel­vic flo­or and birth canal
* Breathing exer­ci­s­es and body­work for labour

Chap­ter IV: The Birth

* Ana­lo­gies bet­ween com­pe­ti­ti­ve sports and advan­ced labour
* Child­birth liken­ed to moun­tain climbing

Chap­ter V: Birt­hing Postures

* Exer­ci­s­es for the first stage of labour with part­ner, Mul­ti­trac and birt­hing ball
* Exer­ci­s­es for the late first stage of labour with part­ner and rope
* Faci­li­ta­ting the baby­’s tur­ning insi­de the pelvis
* Incor­rect pushing (video clip 03)
* Cor­rect pushing
* Exer­ci­s­es for late first stage of labour and pushing
* Bon­ding and the kne­e­ling position

Chap­ter VI: Philosophy

* The deeper mea­ning behind labour pain. Why the extre­me expe­ri­ence of natu­ral child­birth can be so formative.